The Polluted
Political Trail to Sierra Blanca
By J.
Eller @SDzzz SandersGuide
2016 YouTube
The Polluted
Political Trail to Sierra Blanca
Bernie Sanders is a
2016 presidential candidate claiming a strong anti-corporate, pro-environmental
record. This research began as a simple search to verify that claim. As the
search progressed, the man behind the curtain revealed himself in a story of environmental
racism, political partnerships with major GOP operatives and a Texas tycoon, a
famous lead polluter known as the King of Superfund Sites costing US taxpayers
$4.4 billion. This research touches on the history of Sierra Blanca, TX since
it was the victim of an insider plot to make millions, possibly billions by
dumping nuclear waste on a Latino community, 2.6 times below the state poverty
Bernie Sanders and
his wife, Jane O’Meara Sanders are part of a twisting story that crisscrosses
from a GOP mega-donor, to foreign policy with Mexico culminating with a
former Goldman Sachs superstar. As you read this, keep Sanders’ campaign focal
points in mind; wealth, corporations, corporate welfare, tax breaks, banks,
investors, Goldman Sachs, Citizens United. You’ll see it’s all here in
a spider’s web of greed holding the hypocrisy together. Is it just
too “complicated” for citizens to understand, as Sanders says? I don’t
think so, we’re a pretty clever lot down here on the ground.