Saturday, June 25, 2016

Stand up against Hate!

I'm, Standing up with our Ohioan friends and family against Hate!

No More Mass Murdering because of weak to non-existent laws in our country!

The Republican National Convention is setting up shop in Cleveland in 24 days

and, with

Donald Trump
at the top of the ticket,
it'll be a showcase of division and hate.

Trump has

incited violence

and more.


he's the face of the Republican Party,
whose leaders are standing by him
in a show of party loyalty
over any concern for basic dignity.
Ohio has a plan to turn Trump's moment in the spotlight
into a way for us to show that
regular Ohioans are united against hate.

In partnership with the
Ohio coalition
Good Jobs
Strong Communities,

MoveOn members in Ohio

are running a statewide door-knocking campaign

to create neighbor-to-neighbor conversations that can win votes

and change this election from the bottom up.

Here's the scoop:

A partnered with

Ohio’s Good Jobs,

Strong Communities

to launch Ohio Against Hate,

a campaign to demonstrate that the dignity and hope of our communities

can and will overcome the division that

Donald Trump and the Republican Party
are dangerously bringing to
Ohio and the country.

On July 16, over the weekend before the Republican National Convention,

Ohio Against Hate will encourage 100,000 Ohio voters

to stand up and speak out against Trump's hate-filled agenda at the voting booth.

Over the past few weeks,

the coalition of Ohio Against Hate has put together

a spectacular team of leaders who have already organized volunteers

to go door to door and begin having conversations.

Organizers have held trainings around the state

to build up the power and enthusiasm of everyday Ohioans

to carry out this important work of uniting their communities.

As this project develops and grows,

we can't wait to share the stories of everyday people

uniting with their friends, families, and neighbors to stand up to hate and bigotry.

Thanks for all you do.
—Victoria, Ilya, Matt, Iram, and the rest of the team