Wednesday, June 15, 2016

When Donald Trump becomes president

Mexican/Americans will then be sent back to Mexico
so that Mexico will be able to build the

"Trump Wall!"
Immigrants will be sent back to wherever they came from.
Muslims will not even be allowed in the country.
Native Americans, some call us Indians, will be sent back to where they/we came from.
Guess this means that I will be sent back to New England and (Gator-woman) will be sent back to California?
And whoever is next in line to question, 'the Donald', will also be shipped out of the country?
As usual, unless Connecticut, California and every tribe through-out "Indian Country", secede from the union, the only people not making out if or when Trump became president, are my people, the native first people of this land!
So what's new?
He's a buffoon. Virtually every sentence out of his mouth is unintentionally funny. He exaggerates everything. He's like a cross between a sketchy used car salesman and a kooky grandpa who randomly blurts out racist statements.
But he's not a kooky grandpa, he's actually a toddler in an adult's body, self-absorbed and petulant. He's either the most famous egotistical person or the most egotistical famous person, it's hard to know which. His arrogance is legendary. He's the personification of vainglory. His relentless self-promotion knows no bounds. He's rich yet insecure and wants everyone to bow to his greatness, the type of guy who feels disrespected if everyone around him doesn't kiss his ass. He's the kind of guy who would be irritated if someone implied he had even slightly less money, power, or success than he tries to project.
If he were a dictator, he'd be like one of the Kims from North Korea, making all the school children learn how he shot 18 straight holes-in-one on his very first golf outing and disappearing anyone who dared question his greatness. If he were president, his thin skin would get us into a new war every time he felt snubbed. If he could be a state, he'd be Idaho because it starts with I, California or Kentucky because they're known for gold, Alaska because it's the biggest or Texas because he thinks that's the biggest.