Sunday, July 17, 2016

America, are you ready for more political false statements?

 I hope so because until November the 8th, we will be getting an onslaught of them!

98% of them will be half-truths or down right false statements!
If we want to throw off the yoke of bad government,
we must force our politicians to

"TELL the TRUTH, nothing but the TRUTH, in their ads, so help them to their GOD!"

Watch and see how they turn and twist the truth so that even they no longer find it!
Congressman Patrick Murphy proves the half-truths

from Senator
'No Show Marco Rubio'
and all of his Super Pac's are twisted false statements!
Murphy addresses resume attacks by Rubio and Republicans

Mark Rivera, WTSP
2:30 PM. EST
July 10, 2016

The race is heating up for US Senate in Florida.
Democratic Congressman Patrick Murphy 
who's running to beat Marco Rubio,
is facing criticism over his resume

It questioned several claims made by Murphy into question -
namely that he is a CPA, small business owner,
and had contracts to clean up the gulf oil spill.

News political reporter Mark Rivera sat down with Murphy to get answers.


You've gotten a lot of bad flack over the last couple of weeks about allegations about your resume
and whether it's been inflated. Is there any truth to that?


In fact, Politifact called much of the controversy a matter of semantics.


So, to be clear, you are a CPA.


I am a CPA. I got my license in 2009.

Part of the contention is that Murphy's
CPA license is from Colorado,
but having a Florida CPA license
is never something Murphy
or his campaign claimed.


The truth is, Senator Rubio and his Republican superPACs are running a smear campaign against me, and they're doing it to distract from his record. 

Senator Rubio has missed more votes than any senator in Florida in almost 50 years.


And you are a small business owner as well?


Yes, I am a small business owner
and look,
I'm and always have been an advocate of keeping our oceans clean
and wanted to do something about it.


Senator Rubio and his Republican friends are trying to drill more oil off of our coasts.

Only in politics can you start an environmental cleanup company
and be criticized for it.


How has this affected the campaign.


You know, not at all.

The voters see through this nonsense.
Truth is
many voters
do not know the truth
do not look for it
before voting,
this is just what
"No Show Rubio"
is counting on!
They want to look someone in the eye
and know that they're going to show up for work,
whether that means funding for Zika,
whether that means ensuring that we are going to
clean up our waterways, that we are going to
address climate change,
that's what the voters care about.
Is Patrick Murphy CPA/Businessman lying?

Murphy is facing Congressman Alan Grayson in the Democratic primary next month.