Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Can you see through the hidden follies?

How many Florida Voters are 'naive enough' to not see through the hidden follies?

Patrick Murphy said,
"I am a Business Man and a CPA!"

The Political Ad from

Marco Rubio's Super Pac is saying,

"Patrick Murphy is not a



Is not a


Murphy did not say that he is a Small Businessman or a CPA in Florida!

This is all that they have to get you to


Representative Patrick Murphy's counter-Ad

President Obama tapes television ad for Patrick Murphy’s U.S. Senate campaign

Associated Press

Jul 20, 2016

U.S. Rep. Patrick Murphy will begin airing his first Senate campaign television ad,

a 30-second spot featuring President Barack Obama.

The ad will begin airing statewide on Wednesday,

and it features the president speaking directly to the camera.

Obama says Murphy is a strong progressive who stands up to the gun lobby and supports social security and protecting women’s right to an abortion.

Obama also acknowledges Murphy is targeted by opponents

and tells viewers not to believe the negative attacks.

He ends the ad by saying,

“I count on Patrick Murphy. You can too.”

“I am humbled and honored that President Obama is proudly supporting our campaign to fight for Florida families,” said Murphy. “The President knows that Florida needs a leader in the Senate who shows up for work and fights for our shared priorities, like protecting Social Security and Medicare, fighting for a woman’s right to choose, and standing up to the gun lobby to reduce gun violence.”

Murphy is facing U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson in the Democratic primary Aug. 30. The winner will either take on Republican Sen. Marco Rubio or developer Carlos Beruff.