Saturday, July 02, 2016


ISIS and the other Terrorist groups (about 50), are not only the problem of the America!

There are approximately
282 other countries in the world
not counting,
Canada, United States and Mexico the biggest countries of North America.

And all of them (the 282), are a
threat from terrorists groups like Isis,
so, why would the countries in North America
(British might be leaving),
be the biggest contributor to the war with mass murdering Terrorist groups?

Europe's approximately 50 countries,
and might not have the military
but they still have the threat.

Asia is subdivided into 48 countries, two of them
(Russia and Turkey)
having part of their land in
Europe, might not have the military but they still have the threat.
Africa has 54 fully recognized sovereign states
9 territories,
and 2 de facto independent states,
a very large nest for the terrorist groups to hide and train,
and needs to join into the fight!
North America, there are 23 countries
in North America,
most might not have the military
and are a prime target of the
terrorist groups!
South America includes twelve sovereign states
Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia,
Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay,
and Venezuela and two non-sovereign
areas and are a prime target!
French Guiana, an overseas
department of France,
and the Falkland Islands,
a British Overseas Terrorist
(though disputed by Argentina).
Yes, President George W. Bush and Vice-president Dick Cheney
and their money hungry greed, destroyed the land
however; dictators did the same years before them!