Friday, July 08, 2016

Is she or is she not guilty?

No matter how one might feel about our politicians
and we already know my feelings.
In this country, the law still has not changed as far as I know.

One is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law by a jury her or his peers!

Only she can prove her guilt or innocents,
because there is no proof of her involvement, only speculations.

One by one, by any means, the congress, state and federal
are willing to stoop to new lows,
just to keep their (Do Nothing Jobs)!

And the media is on the front lines
helping to slant our minds into corruption.

Governor Rick Scott slipped out of Illinois seconds before a lynch mob.

We are talking a billions dollars from Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.

Senator Marco Rubio, was a '(do nothing senator),' and now a '(do nothing republican), while trying to get his '(Do nothing), Job back'.

Jeb Bush,
Marco Rubio
Rick Scott
accepted money from
the NRA!

Where are there fraud indictments?

Rep. Corrine Brown indicted after fraud investigation
July 08, 2016
 Members of the Florida Congress could not get rid of her by gerrymandering
and cheating so now they are trying to use the courts.

Members of the Florida Republican Party conducted a secret meeting
to lay out a plan to unseat Congresswoman Corrine Brown
through redistricting.

The plan –
spearheaded by Florida State Rep. Janet Adkins –
would pack inmates/felons who are ineligible to vote into the 5th Congressional District.

But as lawmakers
and GOP activists
in the meeting
were secretly plotting
against Brown,
they were also
secretly being recorded.
Want to talk Emails?
Lets talk!
Democratic Rep. Corrine Brown joined Roland Martin on Tuesday’s edition of NewsOne Now to discuss the GOP redistricting plot against her. She told Martin that neither the Democratic National Party nor the Florida Democratic Party have assisted her in combating the attack.