Thursday, July 21, 2016

Ted Cruz did not endorse Donald Trump

Ted Cruz did not endorse Donald Trump

Donald Trump stated on the news this morning that he did read Senator Ted Cruz's speech two hours before Ted came to the podium to speak

and he let Ted speak anyway, as he said,
"No big deal!"
If you are watching the RNC, you might have noticed that Senator Ted Cruz only mentioned Donald's name once and did not endorse him as the Republican's leader.

I could learn to like this guy after all,

Senator Ted Cruz also reminded the nation that,
If you ever disagree
President Donald Trump,
prepared for his wrath.

Now we know why Donald Trump
allowed Senator Ted Cruz to give his speech.

Just as 'The Donald,' has been doing all year,
he sent his 'Bullies' out to harass
Senator Cruz's wife, Heidi Cruz,

as they did at each gathering when anyone disagreed with,

'The Donald'.
(Red Bottom)

is getting closer and closer.

Ted Cruz’s Wife And Father Rushed Off Floor After His Non-Endorsement Of Trump.

Heidi Cruz, wife of
Texas Senator Ted Cruz,
was reportedly
rushed out of the Republican National Convention
Wednesday night after the crowd turned on her husband
at the end of his speech.