Sunday, August 21, 2016

If it bleeds, it must be Hillary's fault lines

If it bleeds, it must be Hillary's fault lines

According to the newest, Crooked Trump Ad's.

Everything from and including '911', is the fault of Hillary Clinton,
including our
"No Show Congress."
One might not know this
our congress is now on vacation.
how can anyone blame our congress
for not doing his or her jobs?

It takes a lot of patience and willpower to sit and do nothing in the Senate and House of Representatives Chambers.

Not everyone can do this for the little time that they are not on vacation and in their chambers,
"Not doing their jobs."
So that their "Super-Packs and the Donald can blame Hillary!"

Hillary Clinton
cannot be trusted.

No one knows because
our media,
Trump ads,
the Republican Party
is not telling us,
because there is no truth to this lie!


Because there is no answer to their faults Claims!

Personal Emails?

She is one of thousands of public officials
posting on their personal Emails!

Nothing she wrote at the time was classified!


 "outrageous and shocking"

attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi?

Hundreds of meeting and faults claims and still,
she is not the one responsible for the horrible outcome.
Because she is a women?
"Too Bad People!"

Because she will do what others keep saying
and she has the plans to prove that she can and she will?
Again, if you do not like it "Too Bad!"