Tuesday, September 06, 2016

After every recession countries go to war to make money

"My name is Donald Trump
I approve this Message!"
After every recession
countries go to war
to make money
Donald Trump's idea of
"Make America Great Again!"
Is to go to war
to improve the economy.
Because wartime
builds war-machines
the economy.
Of course,
it also takes millions
 of the lives
the 'poor
and the
at the same time!
War also improves
the unemployment problem
'Big Business.'
"Make America Great Again!"
"My name is Donald Trump
I approve this Message!"
Who will he be going to war against?
Any country that does not agree with him!
"Make America Great Again!"
Is a plan to, first take America back in time to the
2001 to 2009 and the two wars!

Operation Enduring Freedom
 is the official name used
by the government of the United States
to describe
operations in Afghanistan


October 2001 to December 2014.

 March 20, 2003, was the start of the Iraq war.
While the Afghanistan operation was only a few months old,
Donald Rumsfeld on November 27, 2001 said that President G.W. Bush "

wants us to look at options for Iraq
"Make America Great Again!"
By then
taking the country
to the Great Depression
World War Two.
Because at both times

(America was Great for the 1% to 10% in this country)!
After World War One!

The Great Depression began when the stock market in America
began to decline around September 4, 1929.

It became a worldwide concern on Black Tuesday, October 29, 1929,
when then stock market in America crashed.

This drastic drop in stock prices spread to nearly every country in the world
creating a huge economic depression.

This in turn lead to the closure of many more banks and those
that did not get their money out in time effectively became bankrupt.

Business was also highly affected.

Most had lost their capital in the stock market crash
when the banks closed down.

This forced businesses to close or drastically cut staff numbers, hours and pay.

As people did not have much money they cut back on their spending
and did not purchase luxury items.

This lead to the widespread closure of businesses
and caused a dramatic jump in the number of
unemployed people in many countries around the world.

It took many, many years for countries around the world
to recover from the Great Depression.

In most countries
the Great Depression
lasted until the late 1930’s or early 1940’s,
but some countries
did not recover
until after World War Two.

As prices began to rise on items
such as meat, wool and mining products
the economies of many countries began to recover.

Because at both times
(America was Great for the 1% to 10% in this country)!
Hillary Clinton has a much better way!