Saturday, July 21, 2018

Be The One

All 'union members' do stand for the flag of their country
 As A General Rule.

 Every citizen could stand for a flag of their country.

when it becomes mandatory!
 This country is in serious trouble?

Be The One!

Every ‘Union Member in the United States of America and the World, 
Take a stand, 
because you could be next!
The players need our/your help?

Kneeling before any game is a prayer right, many players ask for protection from accidents during a game.

This is a free country; players are expressing +

The First Amendment to the United States Constitution and our service men and women gave the players that right, 
because kneeling has 
nothing to do with 
a flag!

Kneeling has everything to do 
with the treatment of the citizens 
of the 
United States of America!

The First Amendment to the United States Constitution also gives the players the right to

‘Protect abuse’!

The Latest: NFL, NFLPA working on anthem resolution

By: The Associated Press

Updated: Jul 20, 2018 - 1:11 AM

New NFL policy: Teams to be fined if players kneel during anthem

The league says,

"Protests created a false perception among many that thousands of NFL players were unpatriotic."

by Erik Ortiz / May.23.2018

The First Amendment

is a part of the Bill of Rights, 
which are the first 10 Amendments 
to the United States Constitution

the framework to elucidate upon 
the freedoms of the individual.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, 
 prohibiting the free exercise thereof; 
abridging the freedom of speech, 
of the press; 
 the right of the people peaceably to assemble, 
and to 
petition the Government 
for a redress of grievances.