Sunday, July 29, 2018

(Sanders 'Groupies’ now Know)!

Ever wonder why
'All Political Politicians'
At least the
'Phony ones'
Never tell you why or how, just the
 'pretty', 'hollow,' 'interesting,' words that make you feel good?
Because they cannot tell you how
Without removing 
'Federal Congress', 
all of it'!
Statements like 
(Let's Get To Work), 
(Medicare for all),
(Obama did it), 
(Bill Clinton did it),
(its Hillary’s Email), 
($ 100,000,000.00 on immigrants), 
(Its Hillary's Fault), 
(I can fix healthcare, the Environment, Education, Prison Reform)?
Never why it should be fixed 
a true, sensible way to do this?

Can this all be true?

Someone slipped up a few days ago
An ad showed up on my Face book where it had no place to be!
Never on 'My site'!
So, I found out that 

'Even sanders 'Groupies’ know'
That he should not have been running or be running in any other political party.
He should be running in his party, The Independent Party, because there is no
(The Independent Socialists Party)?
At least for now!
He still would have lost to 'the better person for the oval office' however; this 'mess' in oval office would not be crushing and destroying your country now!
Because he would have lost to 'President Hillary Clinton'
She would have beaten trump by a much larger number then she did,
If we were working together,
Instead of his groupies becoming trump groupies,
That’s why!
Sanders supporters admit that he is an Independent - Socialists,
so why didn't he run as an independent for president?

The jealous leaders at that time in the Democratic Party 
Sanders are responsible
for the corruption in today’s government.

The ‘Democrat Women’ all want to be the one to ‘break the ‘Glass Ceiling’!

The ‘Democrat Men’ do not wish to be ‘below women ever’!
“Foolish Men”!

A little history about ‘Socialists party government.
Karl Marx (German was a German philosopher, economist, historian, political theorist, sociologist, journalist and revolutionary socialist.
Born in Trier to a middle-class family, Marx studied law and Hegelian philosophy.
Due to his political publications, Marx became stateless and lived in exile in London, where he continued to develop his thought in collaboration with

German thinker Friedrich Engels and publish his writings, researching in the British Museum.
Friedrich Engels was a German philosopher, social scientist, journalist and businessman.
His father was an owner of a large textile factory at Manchester, England.
Together Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels destroyed Germany.

It is beginning to look as if trump and sanders, with to help of Putin,
are going to do the same to your country?
Friedrich Engels,
German socialist philosopher, the closest collaborator of Karl Marx in the foundation of modern communism.
They coauthored The Communist Manifesto (1848), and Engels edited the second and third volumes of Das Kapital.