Sunday, October 28, 2018

Republicans now want Pre-existing to come back

All Republicans now want Pre-existing to come back
Governor Rick Scott
 “You can run but you should not lie”!
The 217 Republicans that you voted into office back in 
2008, 2012 and 2016 
‘Repeal the Obamacare’
 did just that!

Republican governors 
like Florida governor 
did the same thing!

Governor Rick Scott 
“You can run but you cannot hide from the truth”!

The problem is that Pre-existing positions, 
it was buried inside of the Healthcare Bill
 and you knew this!

Pre-existing positions come back to haunt key Republican candidates!

During the Republicans' health-care push last year, the party's political calculus was inherently risky. 
The GOP majority, throwing caution to the wind, voted for a wildly unpopular bill, written in secret, that would've hurt millions of families -- on purpose -- and that was rushed to the floor without so much as a single substantive hearing.

House Republicans were well aware of the risks.
They knew how many Americans would lose coverage. 
They knew the bill faced long odds in the Senate.
They knew there was a chance Donald Trump would sell them out and abandon their bill 
(which is exactly what he did).

But some in the GOP ranks demanded the party press on anyway.
 "Let's get this f--king thing done!" 
Rep. Martha McSally (R-Ariz.) 
reportedly told her colleagues ahead of the vote.

Pre-existing positions come back to haunt key Republican candidates

10/26/18 08:00AM

(Republicans in roman; Democrats in italic; Independents underlined)
 H R 1628      RECORDED VOTE      4-May-2017      2:18 PM
 QUESTION:  On Passage
  BILL TITLE: American Health Care Act

Republican 217 --- Noes --- 20 Ayes ---1 NV
Democratic Noes 193 213
Noes 217
Ayes ---213
NV --- 1