Thursday, October 04, 2018

When does 7 days not make a week?

Talk about a ‘Rush to Judgment’!
When does 7 days not make a week?
What’s wrong with Democrat’s voting with their party most of the time?
Republicans do it 99% of the time!
It you doubt it watch the next Kavanaugh (Corrupt), hearing!
Independents do it all of the time!
Socialist’s do it all of the time!
Trump Groupies do it all of the time!
Bernie’s groupies do it all of the time!
How many people that the FBI was allowed to talk to were asked to take a polygraph test?

Did the FBI ask Brett Kavanaugh to take the test?
If not why?
Did he refuse?
If so why?

FBI confidential Kavanaugh report handed to White House, Senate
If the motion passes, there will be up to 30 hours of debate, followed by a final confirmation vote, possibly Saturday.
By Frank Thorp V and Phil Helsel / Oct.03.2018 / 10:47 PM ‎EDT
The FBI background report investigation on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh was handed to the White House and passed on to the Senate overnight, while Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., arranged a key vote on the process for Friday.
Talk about a ‘Rush to Judgment’!