Saturday, December 15, 2018

Did you see the Bern Speech?

 Sanders was an ‘unknown’ 
(Except the people in New England that know the real Sanders), 
until the democrat mistake!
 The Democratic Party Built ‘Bernie Sanders’, so how does he repay the party?
By doing whatever he can to ‘destroy the party’!
(and putting trump in the White house in 2020)!
If it is true that Every Democrats Vote Counts?
Why are we also voting for an Independent once again?
  Let the Republicans and the Independents do what they think best.
let’s take care of the United States of America
for a real change!
The more we do what the country wants us to do the more help we get to replace the stagnation from both parties in congress!
Looks like Bernie Sanders is running for president again, despite big warning signs
DEC 3 2018

People Who Are Tired Of Hearing About Bernie Sanders has 1,343 members.
The NEW PURPOSE of this group is to further expose Sanders for what he really is