You know the old
(Money Talks and
**** **** walks)!
Not even counting
the (nit-wits)!
Every minute of
every day, that guy in 'OUR' White house is in the news, for good or for bad,
and for the most part bad!
Because every news
media is owned by 'the guy in the White house political party and their money'!
Is it any wonder why
the 'guy in the Whitehouse' is 'the guy in the Whitehouse'?
Why the republican
senate actually picked up a few new republican senators?
Also the main reason
why this congress, as with the past 10 years of congress will be getting little
to nothing done for
'We the People' the
next at least two years!
I love CNN and MSNBC
however; every minute of everyday (Yes 24/7), its talking about (TRUMP)!
Knock it off for god
sake, no one in the history of the United States of America has ever had the
media coverage as 'the guy in the Whitehouse'!
Working citizen and
stay at home moms/dads, cannot take the time that it is needed to be able to
sift through hundreds of thousands of
'Stupid-Pac ads' to pick out the few 'Truths' hidden in each ad!
You want proof?
Rick Scott is a
senator and the guy in the Whitehouse is the guy in the Whitehouse and
Florida's only working senator is unemployed!
Senator William
(Bill) Nelson is, was and will always be!