Sunday, February 24, 2019

Today I wash and clean our A/C Filters

Today I wash and clean our A/C Filters, 
while doing so it brought back some 
unpleasant memories.
Hang in there for a long story.
Our military helps our returning veterans with school 
to help us transfer back to civilian life, 
unless you were a Vietnam veteran?
I found this out almost too late 
and had to get a 

‘home school course on heating and cooling'!
I said all of this for a reason.
Today we buy replaceable junk from other countries!
After Eisenhower and before Reagan, 
everything was made in this country 
and would last you
30 to 40 years
before you needed a replacement.
Today you are lucky if
 'outsourced-products' lasted 30 or 40 months
before it starts to crash and burn!

Starting with Dwight D. Eisenhower, 34th president
At the end of World War two, Russia was, for all practical purposes, defeated by the Nazis, 
China, Korea, Vietnam, Japan, the Africa countries, Italy, Iran, Iraq,
 were all third world countries!

Today the United States of America is almost alone at being a 'third world country'!

John Kennedy was murdered, Nixon was impeached, and Ford had only one term, Carter had only one term,

Ronald Reagan destroyed the working class in the United States of America!

Today the United States of America is ‘For Sale’ to the highest bidder!

About now, you might be asking,
“How did Reagan do this”?

He destroyed our unions, outsourced our jobs, and products, to third world countries, ended the Middle-class and sent the poor class out on our streets or into our woods to fend for themselves and no president since has been able to ended this slide!