Wednesday, March 06, 2019

US trade deficit grows by more than $100 billion

It’s your policies Stupid!
US trade deficit grows by more than $100 billion under Trump
Deficit hit 10-year high in 2018
March 06, 2019
The last time the deficit was this high 
a bush had just vacated the oval office!
Since Trump took office, 
the deficit has grown 
by more than $100 billion, 
the Census Bureau reported.
That means that the United States is importing more in goods and services than it sells abroad -- despite two years of Trump's "America First" policies.

What Trump's ‘America First’ Policy Could Mean for the World!
In order for this country
 to even us the trade deficit.
First we must reverse

 ‘President Nancy Reagan’s’ 
crushing policies 
labor, employment, and business 
our outsourcing jobs and companies.
We must force our 
politicians, millionaires and billionaires
 to give back the countries tax money 
that trump and congress stole 
change all of those republican controlled laws 
allowing them to steal even more tax money.
Take that tax money 
and invest it into building 
energy efficient factories, companies and jobs 
for our ‘American’ work force!