Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Democratic Party, get it together!

 Can the Democratic Party out do the Republican Party?
This year’s election it is once again beginning to
looking like the Democratic Party is working on
blowing this one, as with the many past elections!
If the Democratic Party
(People running for the oval office),
‘Flat out refuse to get their act together’
trump and the Federal Senate get 4 more years!
We are allowing outsiders (Bernie voters),
to come out of their holes and try to unseat
the front runner before he is even running?
American Democratic Muslims are fighting
Democratic Jews, Jews are fighting Muslims,
a Democratic gay, women hater, party hater, and Hillary hater,
is bashing all Democrats and no one seems worried?
Half of the democrats in country are still
‘hell Bent on Impeachment of the guy in the Whitehouse
instead of showing the country,
How, when and why they, if elected, will set this ‘Runaway train’ call our country,
back on its track towards a ‘Real Great County’
not a trump gobble-gook, cesspool, swamp, bankrupted shell of what
the ‘forfeiters wanted!
Mitch McConnell and trump are laughing at the foolishness of our party same as 2016!

Matthew 7:15

Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves."