Sunday, September 22, 2019


Alas, a Political Democrat with some kahones (Cojones)!

It is about time the Democrats stood face to face with any media person foolish enough to ask asinine questions!


Fox news is an oxymoron with far too many morons, asking idiotic questions!

Case in point!
Fox News reporter Peter Doocy got an earful from Joe Biden when he tried to pursue the Ukraine conspiracy theory that President trump has been promoting. Biden stuck his finger in Doocy’s face and told him to “Ask the right questions!”

Trump has been doing his level best to get the press to focus on Biden, instead of on the allegations that he tried to extort a foreign government into investigating a political opponent — by pushing a baseless Trump theory that Biden pressured Ukraine into firing a prosecutor in order to help son Hunter Biden.

That’s the line of questioning that Doocy pursued when he caught up to Biden at the Polk County Steak Fry.

As the best Florida Sheriff likes to say