Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Congress needs permission from their president?


Senator Mitch McConnell (Moscow Mitch), 

“We need guidance from the president 
as to about what kind of a proposal 
will make a difference, 
so he will actually 
sign a bill into a law “
Say What?

I cannot find it anywhere in our 


‘Bill of Rights’ 
congress needs permission 
from the president 
to write a bill 
to make into a law?

And yet, 
they will be elected again, 
because of the crooked 
‘Electro College’
 in spite of their corruption!

Are we,
all of the citizens of the USA,

so pleased with our life style 
since electing Mitch McConnell into office, 
that we will be voting 
him in yet again, 
along with 
his leaky money bag?

This is the best Moscow Mitch quote yet