Monday, September 30, 2019

Welcome London, England, United Kingdom

Welcome London, England, United Kingdom
“If it’s stupid, trump will do it”!
 As you know, this country set up a, although not fool proof, set of laws to try to protect the country from evil.
If you have been following the country and her laws long enough
you must have seen the constant political changes to her laws
throughout the years, howbeit quietly!
How slavery birthed the Electoral College
 | October 12, 2016 12:04 AM
119 + 151=270

Nine States of America, Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio, North Carolina, Virginia, Colorado, Iowa, Nevada and New Hampshire, 119 votes.
are the only states that elect a president, depending which political party is in control of those states,
the rest vote for the
‘Real President of the United States of America’!
There are 41 safe states all politically color-coded either Republican "red" or Democrat "blue."
The color "purple" is reserved for the wobbly nine battleground states.
That is until Election Day, when, after a state converts to "red" or "blue,"
one of the candidates wins at least 270 electoral votes and is awarded the keys to the White House.
The red/blue division is a phenomenon introduced into the lexicon by the media
during the contested 2000 election between then-Vice President Al Gore and Texas Gov. George W. Bush.
Later the concept of "purple states" became prevalent.