Thursday, October 10, 2019

How quickly we forget the past while in a fight!

How quickly and conveniently we forget the convenient of the  past!

In case you missed it, 
CNN recently dug up video footage(1999) 
GOP Senators Mitch McConnell(KY), Lindsey Graham(SC), and Chuck Grassley(IA) 
explaining their reasons for supporting President Bill Clinton’s impeachment.
What is the true definition of a hypocrite?
1: a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue
or religion.
2: a person who acts in contradiction to
his or her stated beliefs or feelings
The three little pigs with derangement!


The requirements to impeach a president are found in Article II, Section IV of the Constitution.

It states that the President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States,

shall be removed from office on impeachment

for, and conviction of, treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors.

First, an impeachment resolution must be introduced by a member of the House of Representatives.

The speaker of the House must then direct the U.S. House Committee on the Judiciary (or a special committee)

to hold a hearing on the resolution to decide whether to put the measure to a vote by the full chamber and when to hold such a vote.

A simple majority of the Judiciary Committee must approve the resolution.

The Impeachment proceeding are moving along 
and the GOP is once again 

‘Squealing like a ‘Hungry Mother Pig’!

The House of Representative (Speaker Nancy Pelosi),

need not allow the GOP time for anything,

if you do not believe me, ask past (Grand Old Party) Members?

The requirements to impeach a president are found in Article II, Section IV of the Constitution.

It states that the President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States,

shall be removed from office on impeachment

for, and conviction of, treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors.

First, an impeachment resolution must be introduced by a member of the House of Representatives.

The speaker of the House must then direct the U.S. House Committee on the Judiciary (or a special committee) to hold a hearing on the resolution to decide whether to put the measure to a vote by the full chamber and when to hold such a vote.

A simple majority of the Judiciary Committee must approve the resolution.

If the Judiciary Committee approves the resolution, it moves to a full vote on the House floor.

Has the (Grand Old Party),  forgotten the not so distance past arguments? 

The loudest 'Squealing Mother Pig'

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) has the shortest memory (Alzheimer)!

During the Nixon impeachment hearings, the screaming was hot and heavy with the GOP

(Grand Old Party)?


Sen. Lindsey Graham Another 'Squealing Mother Pig' with (Debenture)!

Nixon’s Presidency

Clintons Presidency

During the Clinton impeachment hearings, the screaming was hot and heavy with the GOP

(Grand Old Party)?



During the trump impeachment hearings, the screaming is once again getting hot and heavy with the GOP

(Grand Old Party)?


No, I do not have the statistics on
 'Madam President Hilary Clinton' yet!

But, I am betting that

During this Madam Presidency impeachment hearings, if there were to be one, the screaming would once again be hot and heavy with the GOP

(Grand Old Party)?
'Screaming Foul'!