Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Mohiigan Crossing Ceremony

What is this (Mohiigan Crossing Ceremony)?
As an 'Inferior Human' I am in a 'good place now'!
I digress,
our ancestors held a 'Crossing Ceremony' for their/our loved ones,
not to help them find Creator and help them on the path to the 'Spirit World'!
All of our 'Sacred Ceremonies'
are for a prayer to Creator for a blessing down to our people.
In the case of a 'Crossing Ceremony,'
to help us deal with the loss of our love ones!
The reason why, as an 'Inferior Human'
I believe that I am is a good place is,
If 'my ancestors', the 'Hebrew Tanaka' and the 'Christian Bible' got it right, this 'Inferior Human' although 
 I keep on stumbling back into 'Darkness,'
I can rely on 'Father Sky' (Christ the Messiah), to reach down, pick me up and set me back on the path to the 'Spirit World for eternity!
If however, ''my ancestors', the 'Hebrew Tanaka' and the 'Christian Bible' got it wrong, not likely,
I will continue to lead this good life and just join 'Mother Earth'
 I could become a Putin, Xi Jinping, Ali Khamenei, Kim Jong-Un, trump, Hitler, Pharaohs, Caesar, 
or even a
 'Moscow Mitch'!