Sunday, October 06, 2019

Running Scared are we?

For trump, impeachment means civil war

By Renée Graham,Updated October 2, 2019, 5:00 a.m.

Mike Pence's Facebook page has also been enlisted in the effort spending more than $700,000 on Facebook ads between September 22 and 28. The amount is the biggest ad spend through Pence's Facebook page since the social media network began releasing ad spend data in May 2018. The Pence ads are primarily about upcoming trump rallies and impeachment.

"There are now over 150 House Democrats who back Impeachment," one ad on Pence page reads, "These Impeachment claims have nothing to do with me, the Democrats thrive on silencing and intimidating my supporters, like YOU. They want to take YOUR VOTE away."

Illustration by Lesley Becker/Globe Staff | Adobe | Globe file photo

If the Civil War had truly ended more than 150 years ago, there would be no trump.

The same seething white resentment that doomed the post-war Reconstruction era ushered trump into the White House. Now he’s promoting a hate pastor’s rubbish that America will face a “Civil War like fracture in the Nation from which our Country will never heal,” if he is removed from office.

Keep this in mind as this increasingly unhinged and desperate president faces a deepening impeachment inquiry. We already know — from Charlottesville to Pittsburgh, from Christchurch to El Paso — trump’s incendiary rhetoric has garnered a body count.

trump Campaign Spends Big on Facebook Ads After Impeachment Inquiry, Then Rakes in Big Cash

Besides tweets blasting the impeachment inquiry launched against him, trump and his campaign have also rolled out thousands of Facebook ads and have brought in millions of dollars. Veuer’s Justin Kircher has the story.

trump is using his powerful social media presence to push back against the impeachment inquiry, tweeting and retweeting more than 100 times over the weekend and his reelection campaign has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on Facebook ads on the topic over the past week.

More than 1,800 ads on trump's Facebook page mentioning "impeachment" have run in the past seven days. The ads have been viewed between 16 and 18 million times on Facebook and the campaign has spent between $600,000 and $2,000,000 on the effort, according to data analyzed by Laura Edelson, a researcher at New York University's Tandon School of Engineering.

trump is using ads to enlist people in what his campaign is calling the "Official Impeachment Defense Task Force."

"I want to know who stood with me when it mattered most, which is why my team is making me a list of EVERY AMERICAN PATRIOT who adds their name and joins the Official Impeachment Defense Taskforce," one trump ad reads.