Thursday, October 03, 2019

UAW Union and GM latest offer

Do you workers from around the world; believe that you are treated fairly by your company?
How about my neighbor in the USA?

Can you support your family and provide healthcare without a constant juggling of your bank account?
If you are tired of the ‘Bull’ being handed out day by day, hour by hour minute by minute,
speak out for those brave ‘Union Workers’ trying to help you level the scales of justice!

In this country (USA), workers have been on the loosing side of justice for over 30 years and are quickly sliding backwards to the 1920s!

UAW rejects new GM offer as strike forces 6,000 Mexico layoffs
October 1, 2019 / 2:58 PM / 2 days ago
David Shepardson, Joseph White
why is General Motors building their products 
in other countries?
shouldn't General Motors use ‘that massive tax cut’ that they received to keep their outsourcing companies open and working?
Because their trickily down has not been trickling down so far!
The Clayton Antitrust Act of 1914
allowed employees to strike and boycott their employers and was followed by the
Public Contract and the Fair Labor Standards Acts, which mandated a minimum wage, extra pay for overtime work and basic child labor laws.
Government control of your money is going onto the wrong side of your pay scale!