If a Democrat wins,
that person must contend with a 'republican senate' and a 'corrupt republican'
'supreme court'!
If a republican wins
it will be 'déjà vu' all over again, your tax-money out of your pockets and
into their bank accounts!
was in 2016, we have plenty of candidates running to be your president in 2020,
this includes
'president quid pro
Problem as I see it
is, like in 2016 with 'president quid pro quo',
not one is really telling you
and me, what each can actually do for our country and her citizens?
Many, like Warren
and Sanders, are telling you and me what they think will get them into office!
I say,
"Show Me"?
Because they cannot
take money from the rich un-less the 'rich politicians' allow it,
like that
will happen!
I can remember a
hand full of candidates/politicians that could and/or would work across the
aisle to get 'good bills' passes for the citizens of this country.
Senator John McCain,
President Jimmy Carter, President Bill Clinton, President Hillary Clinton,
President George H. Bush and you might have a few of your favorite, point
being, not many!
We already have 'a misogynist' in office so we can
count out,
'Mayor Pete.'
if you have been paying attention for a couple of
also Rep. Tulsi Gabbard.