Wednesday, October 09, 2019

What did Turkey and Russia give to the USA to murder our friends?

As soon as Turkey clears out 
our Kurd Friends, 
Syria, with the help from Russia 
will take the land from Turkey!

What did Turkey and Russia give 
to the USA to murder our friends?
Could anyone tell me what 
Turkey and Russia had to give to
 the USA in order to be able to ‘Mass Murder’ 
thousands of their neighbors and our best friends in war 
with our enemies?
These groups of warriors 
(the Kurds)
were our best fighting machine for years, 
like everything else from this government, 
sold to the highest bidder?
11,000 Kurds died fighting ISIS and now 
the US is abandoning them 
who will help America next time?
When will enough be enough?
Better question would be, 
when will this countries voting public 
wake up and tell your congress,