Friday, December 06, 2019

Mr. Kelly has nothing to worry about once again

R. Kelly faces new bribery charge in Brooklyn criminal case

Mr. Kelly has nothing to worry about once again because this is not a (Quid pro quo) it is only a (Bribery),

just ask the trump republicans in your congress!

December 5, 2019

NEW YORK (Reuters)

Federal prosecutors in Brooklyn on Thursday unveiled a new criminal charge against singer R. Kelly,

accusing him of arranging to bribe an official as part of a scheme to recruit underage girls for sex.

Definition of quid pro quo.

In the political world, for example, quid pro quo sometimes refers to

giving support, financial or otherwise, to a political candidate in exchange for

the expectation of direct support for an activity of the political benefactor.

Quid pro quo may appear as bribery in these cases and such support

 must always be tested for conflicts of interest.

 Quid pro quo may appear as bribery