Thursday, January 16, 2020

I'm thinking, Mike Bloomberg 2020!

And this is my reasons why.
Although I fear all rich politicians, and why not, I live in Florida, 
one of the, if not the most corrupt states in the union!
Coming from the New England Area, I have issues with 
Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders as you know, enough said!
Mike Bloomberg is not perfect.
The difference between Mike Bloomberg and every politician since 
‘President Jimmy Carter’ 
he readily admits to his faults and apologies for this!
Mike Bloomberg has a very long record of 
proving and doing what he talked to you about doing, 
unique in this new political world we are now forced to live in!
'The View' Grills Bloomberg: 
Why Are You Hiding NDAs For Sexual Harassment Victims?
Posted By Ian Schwartz
The girls held back nothing with their questions also ‘very unique’ to the view, 
each including Meagan believe it or not, showed him their respect by allowing his complete answers!
They, as do I, believe that his heart was in each of his mistakes, few in numbers I might add!
Mike 'was, is and promises to empty his wallet of one billion to anyone you vote in
to beat the guy now 'infesting your oval office', while he is not golfing around the world!
there was only one person ‘Without Sin’, that walked this world 
we nailed him to a tree over 2000 years ago!

He will be back looking for your vote!
Remember this warning politicians 
as you do your duty starting next week!!!!

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