Tuesday, February 04, 2020

A ‘Caucus’ was a good idea on February 2, 1790?

A Caucus like the ‘Electoral College’ has been polluted by many politicians through the past 230 years!

 Today after our politicians got their greedy pens on it, not so good for the poor, middle-class and small business owner because of the corruption!

A bully group can harass others until that group gives in to their demands!

In the beginning of this country
(The United States of America).

A ‘Caucus’ was a good idea after the treatment from their other countries government so a change was necessary.

In today’s cruel world, bullies rule and good citizens get verbally beat down
until the bullies get them to change their vote!

Let’s take the Sanders crowd prior the last election for instance?

Unless you do not have a TV, Radio, newspaper or internet server,

you will remember the
 ‘Bullying of Hillary's group' in and outside of a Caucus

by the thousands of Bernie Bashers?

Don’t remember?
Watch and see that it is ongoing even today!

What Is a Caucus and How Does It Work?

Caucuses in Mediation, Business, and Political Situations

How does a Caucus work step by step?

What Is a Caucus and How Does It Work?

Caucuses in Mediation, Business, and Political Situations

The word "caucus" supposedly comes from an

Algonquin word for "gathering of tribal chiefs," and this definition

seems most appropriate for the political caucus process. 

Don't know how the Iowa caucus works? After watching this video you will

Breaking down the Iowa caucus step by step

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