Saturday, September 19, 2020

Are you unemployed or forced out of work?

Are you unemployed or forced to work at least two meaningless jobs today

(No benefits, insurance, sick days, vacations, seniority in your job, and respect, because of Coronavirus layoffs)?

How does your country compared to the rest of the world

at caring for you and your family?


Each of your employers voted for and gave a lot of money

just to get the reason for your heartaches elected 

and is now using your paychecks to vote for him/them again in 2021!

 Get your 2nd opinion?

I know that instead of improving '

Roe V. Way' 

Christians want to do away with it?,whether%20the%20Constitution%20protected%20the%20right...%20More%20

Then, I believe, America with become another countries

 India, China, Singapore, Israel, Kuwait, South Korea, Jordan, United Arab Emirates, Japan, Lebanon, Iraq and Belgium.

Ever take a trip to any if not all of these countries?

(Just Asking)?>

I know that most of 'president donald's followers vote in hope to get back to before President Abraham Lincoln and that is you're right!

Many of you voted because you want women to get back in their place and that is your right!

Complete list of attractions in Orlando Florida?

HOWEVER; YOU ARE STILL OUT OF WORK BECAUSE OF YOUR LAST VOTE!,a%20fantastic%20experience%2C%20and%20for%20many...%20More%20


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