Sunday, October 25, 2020

The problem with our youth in voting might be our school system?

The problem with our youth in voting today might be our school systems of yesterday?

Do our schools still teach American History?

A trump voter (Caroline Winchester) said that trump had to turn the Economy around after 8 really terrible years!

You might know better than I, after all it has been a number of years since 

my School’s American History Classes (5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th Grade)!

President Obama had to turn the economy around after 8 terrible years of republican rule, in spite of the Republican Congress (Mitch McConnell), battling him every day!


On MSNBC ‘Ali Velshi Across America 2020’!

Ali Velshi MSNBC North Carolina voter Caroline Winchester on economy?

FACT Caroline, President Obama’s handling of the ‘Economy’ after really terrible republican 8 years, he had to turn the economy around, check your school history?

Go back to school and this time please learn something ANYTHING?

North Carolina voters discuss COVID as cases surge: ‘We all feel this sense of doom’

North Carolina voters discuss Trump’s handling of the pandemic and the economic impact of statewide COVID restrictions with MSNBC’s Ali Velshi during the seventh stop of his “Velshi Across America 2020” tour. Oct. 25, 2020

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