Tuesday, July 12, 2016

#sitting in for the 49

You will notice that no one is sitting in at Senator Bill Nelson's office.

Activists Arrested at 'Sit-in for the 49' at Marco Rubio's Office

The Florida senator was targeted for his inaction on gun violence and its effect on LGBT people, including the 49 killed last month in Orlando.

July 11 2016 7:57 PM EDT

"I'm really surprised that the protesters would go to Rubio's office; everybody in Florida knows that is the very last place in the world he would go."

Activists are sitting in Florida Sen. Marco Rubio's Orlando office for 49 hours to call attention to gun violence and homophobia — and eight protesters were just arrested for refusing to leave after the office closed for the day.

The activists are affiliated with the union
UNITE HERE Local 737.
Union president Jeremy Cruz-Haiken talked to us as the eight fellow protesters were being arrested.

"Marco Rubio is a symbol of the inaction of so many political leaders who are just giving lip service with thoughts and prayers but not taking any real action to end the hate and violence happening in our community,"

Cruz-Haiken told The Advocate.

A representative from Rubio's office did come out and meet the group at one point and said, "something to the effect of, 'Thank you for making your voices heard,'"

Cruz-Haiken said.

Cruz-Haiken said activists will return another day to ensure they sit in Rubio's office for a full 49 hours so they can honor the deceased victims of the Pulse shooting.

Point of fact.

Protesters stand along the road,
and while Hillary Clinton goes by
they jump into the road, give her the finger,
throw things at the car, and use foul language.

What does the law enforcement officials do?

They direct her caravan along another roadway
with more protestors and no one gets arrested.