Monday, July 11, 2016

U.S. Coast Guard Academy cadets

Swab Summer begins for Coast Guard Academy class of 2020
Posted Jun. 27, 2016 at 6:14 PM
It didn’t take long Monday for the 313
U.S. Coast Guard Academy cadets,
to learn their lives had changed.

Minutes after leaving their friends and family members behind
at the Roland Hall check-in center,

the young men and women were loaded onto yellow school buses and deposited outside an interior courtyard on the New London campus where second-class cadets

those students with two years of Academy life under their belts - were waiting.

Oh, but for the good old days.

maybe not so good old days,
at least not
in 1961 July in the 'Great Lakes.

Not all that much has changes
55 years.
July 5th 1961
group # 329
September 19th 1961

3rd down 3rd over
top right
is one scard kid!
We were being groomed for a skirmish that started being called a war after the public and the media got involved.

This group of 'swabs' will be going out to this very corrupt world, may Creator place a blessing on each one of them.