Tuesday, September 25, 2018

It is getting desperate time for Rick Scott!

WFTV ‘Fact-Checking politics

It is getting desperate time for Rick Scott!

 Rick Scott, Bill Nelson uses campaign consultants; he doesn't steal from Medicare or Social Security

And you know this is a false ad!


If one does steal from anything, for the most part Medicare and/or Social Security what should be the punishment?


If you can ‘get out of town’ before the FBI closes in on your company it is not steal from Medicare or Social Security and you get to keep our tax dollars?

You escaped your crimes the following did not!

Mexican National Gets Hit With Federal Prison Time For Stealing $350,000 From US Government

US doctor faces 30-year jail term for stealing $100M from Medicare

3 January 2018, 2:40pm / TERRY SPEN

Doctor Pleads Guilty In $30 Million Medicare Fraud Case


A Brooklyn doctor and four co-conspirators pleaded guilty in the past week to defrauding Medicare and Medicaid of $30 million, after it was discovered they were billing patients for unnecessary services.

Elderly patients were charged for inessential tests and medical supplies, then provided with financial kickbacks to assure their silence and compliance.

Dr. Mustaky U. Vaid, 44, falsely signed off on the medical documents and was listed as the owner of one of the clinics, according to the Department of Justice (DOJ).

Rick Scott Says Bill Nelson "doesn’t pay payroll taxes for his employees.

He doesn’t even provide them with health benefits.

It’s stealing money from Medicare and Social Security."

— Rick Scott on Monday, July 30th, 2018 in a campaign ad

Mostly False

Bill Nelson uses campaign consultants;

he doesn't steal from Medicare or Social Security

By Katie Akin on Thursday, August 16th, 2018 at 9:00 a.m.