Saturday, September 29, 2018

President Putin and Trump for life?

Will 7 days make a week!

Can a week of help from our FBI save our country from greed, corruption and a one party system ruled under President Putin and Trump for life?
Which one would you prefer as the next
 'Supreme Court Judge'?

Every female and male that loves and respects a female in any state that any congress person votes yes for 
Brett Kavanaugh
help pull him out of the committee into the republican senate,
 must let the 
‘yes voter senator’ know your time in congress is up!

Of course anything said or done after he is seated 
far too late and unfortunately, in time you will see this!

If you watch the news on this subject 
allowing this spoiled little rich brat wining to get his way.

If you do not god bless you, 
you are also seeing a number of young snotty children (brain-washed) by 

'Old While Men' 

speaking about rules of law 
pertaining to a committee hearing
 as if it was a trial in a court of law!