Saturday, October 13, 2018

Andy Pollack lost his daughter in a senseless school shooting in Florida!

Andy Pollack lost his daughter in a senseless school shooting in Florida!

Rick Scott is being kicked out of the
 ‘Governors Mansion’ (Term-Limits),
 wants to be your Senator (No Term-Limits)!
Wouldn’t a President and Governor wish to save your children and help the one lone Senator wanting to save our children in the taking the weapons killing our children off the shelf and out of the streets of our country?

Andy Pollack was one of the biggest ‘Adult Critics’ of Donald Trump, Rick Scott and Marco Rubio and a backer of ‘Florida Senator Bill Nelson’ back then!

So what changed him?
Wouldn’t a President and Governor wish to save your children and help the one lone Senator wanting to save our children in the taking the weapons killing our children off the shelf and out of the streets of our country?
NOT in Florida!
 the ‘Controlling Political Party in Florida’ 
is run by ‘Super-Pac’s and the NRA’!
Andy Pollack was one of the biggest ‘Adult Critics’ of Donald Trump, Rick Scott and Marco Rubio and a backer of ‘Florida Senator Bill Nelson’ back then!
So what changed him?

Andy Pollack sold his daughter and her classmates to the Devil!
After 8 years of (taking from the citizens of Florida)
Your governor was forced to go against the NRA and his super-Pac’s and signed a ‘watered down gun bill’!
Andy Pollack is now thanking and backing him?
Flanked by parents whose teenagers died in the Valentine’s Day mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School,
 Gov. Rick Scott signed a school security and gun-limits package into law Friday that was hastily crafted by state lawmakers.