Sunday, October 07, 2018

“Fancy Bear” hackers List!

 Trump Pence Russian Hacker’s list of Democratic Senators!
“Fancy Bear” hackers List!
All three of these senators are at the top of the Trump/Pence/Russian hacker’s long list of Democratic Senators!

Words from;
Joe Kennedy wants your vote in November and so do I!
I'm so proud of these three brave Democratic Senators.
They each represent states where Donald Trump is still popular
they stood up to him and voted NO on Brett Kavanaugh.
You better believe that Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell 
will work overtime to defeat them.
Already, the big SuperPACs are on the attack. 
If we're going to win the Senate, 
we have to protect 

Democrat Senator Heidi Heitkamp
Key red state Democratic senator to vote no on Kavanaugh
By Clare Foran, CNN
Updated 6:10 PM ET, Thu October 4, 2018

Democrat Senator Joe Donnelly
The Indiana senator is considered to be one of the Senate’s most vulnerable Democrats.
He is trying to stay in the favor of a primarily conservative constituency that heavily favored President Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election cycle; 

Sen. Claire McCaskill 
is a top target for Republicans
 looking to grow their 
slim Senate majority in 2018. 
Turns out,
 Russia’s “Fancy Bear” 
are going after
 her staff, 