Monday, February 04, 2019

Lawyers liked the swamp, but they love the cesspool.

Draining The Swamp? trump Has 86 Lobbyists On His Staff!
July 21, 2018
trump drained the swamp and turned it into to a cesspool!
Swamps, cesspools, fire and fury.
At least, no one is talking about Russia, right?
Sorry, Russia isn't going anywhere.
Trump has, indeed, drained the swamp of career professionals with expertise who knew how to run government efficiently and effectively.
What's left behind
is a treacherous cesspool of lawyers 
working overtime

to defend the indefensible.
Key government posts remain vacant, but you can't spit without hitting a lawyer.
Everyone else in the cesspool is apparently an
which means they have no experience or competence.
Lawyers liked the swamp, but they really love the cesspool.
It has become the new home for Trump's legal team
as it attempts to cooperate "transparently"
with Special Counsel Robert Mueller.
Donald Trump came into office promising to
“drain the swamp.”
That certainly is a catchy campaign slogan,
and in fact, 
he’s actually filling it up faster than his predecessors.
New analysis by Open Secrets 
reveals that trump has 86 lobbyists
currently on his staff, showing that not only is he not draining the swamp,

he’s also violating his own executive order.
Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.