Sunday, February 10, 2019

Top cesspool cleaners 2020 are not Democrats

Two of the top challengers 
to clean up trumps cesspool 
are not true voting ‘Democrats’
For 47 years Elizabeth Warren was a Republican
According to her bio
 she did not vote for 42 of those years?
Biography of Senator Elizabeth Warren
Warren was registered as a Republican from 1991 to 1996.
Warren voted as a Republican for many years (46).
Bernie Sanders
Changes political parties 
as often as 
a snake changes its skin.
(The youth affiliate of the Socialist Party of America),
Sanders called himself a socialist
1990 victory made him 
the first independent candidate

2005, after Senator Jim Jeffords announced that he would not seek a fourth term. Chuck Schumer, chairman of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, endorsed Sanders, a critical move as it meant that no Democrat running against Sanders could expect to receive financial help from the party. Sanders was also endorsed by Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada

Looks like he feared better than Warren voting after 21 years


He changes political parties as often as a snake changes its skin, a change to better himself, not the party it would seem?

(Chuck Schumer,) is the, 
I use the term loosely, person, 
that endorsed Sanders 
to run against Hillary Clinton!