Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Preachers Preach/Scientists’ Teach

Are Christian Preachers 
now gearing their sermons 
to their political preference?

W. Kamau Bell: goes to Church!
Old Rule was 
Separation of church and state
While I agree with this article
It is also true the religion 
has no right to preach against science 
unless science harms someone or thing!
Ask my followers, 
I enjoy reading other peoples writing, 
this includes religious writings.
Climate Change is caused by 
'Mother Nature 


W. Kamau Bell: goes to Church!
W. Kamau Bell:

Hmong-Americans redefined patriotism before my eyes
By W. Kamau Bell 
Right now in this country 
we are talking regularly about immigrants, refugees and patriotism
for many of citizens of the United States, 
these words conjure very specific images and cause them to...
Friday, May 10th 2019, 2:08 PM HST
By W. Kamau Bell