Sunday, May 12, 2019

trump has set himself up for failure again

Yet another quickie and yet another blunder, 
strike three or extra innings?
 Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro
is deriding President Donald Trump as foolish for trying to oust him.
Kim Jong Un
is testing Trump’s “love” – and his resolve – in the North Korea negotiations.
Iran’s leaders
are finding new ways to threaten the U.S. and to defy the president’s “maximum pressure” campaign.
In short,
trump’s foreign policy agenda is hitting the diplomatic rocks, with potentially disastrous results.
Some say it’s by design.
trump doesn't mind sowing chaos and confusion, and he has.
Others say it’s a result of misguided policies and contradictory, undisciplined decision-making inside the White House.
Either way,
trump has suffered a series of stunning foreign policy setbacks this week,
raising fresh questions about his approach to military engagement and international affairs.