Monday, January 06, 2020

A rogue squirrel is like a crooked politician

A rogue squirrel is like a crooked politician; only difference is you can kill a squirrel!
Think about it?

No matter how hard you try, 
the squirrel will eventually force you to
(A), put your feeders away forever.
(B), End the Squirrel.
No matter how hard you try,
Crooked Politicians will get into your pockets.
Since it is still against the law to kill 'Crooked Politicians', one must vote them out of office!
Problem; unlike the squirrel, the crooked politician will just get another job to corrupt!
And still get into your pockets!
Are you really sure that one cannot just pretend that your crooked political is a squirrel?
After all they are all a little squirrely!
Hay look, just asking?

I don't own a gun, 
this government still frowns on 
'Indians' owning weapons!

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